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Raspberry Pancake

What you eat in the morning sets up your blood sugar for the next 12 hours, therefore breakfast is a very important meal. kids and adults who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school and at work, and eat healthier throughout the day.

Fresh vegetarian falafel .jpg

Beans combined with whole grain, are the major source of protein in a vegetarian diet. They are also rich in iron, B vitamins and fiber.  As a true Brazilian, I eat beans and grains almost everyday. I love all types and shapes. I use them in salads, soups, cakes, hamburgers and even deserts.

Potato Soup

Soups are very versatile; you can make it as a starter or a main course, hot or cold, creamy or with pieces. The possibilities are huge and they can be an extremely good way to add vegetables and other important nutrients into your family’s diet. 

Set of dressings for salad_ sauce vinaig

If you want your salads and meals to be yummy, you need to invest some time in dressing, topping and incrementing it. You can make it a big batch and save the left over in the fridge for a few days.

Healthy Salad

Salads and vegetables became a very important part of my meals since I started eating a plant-based diet. Now, I think first about what vegetables are in season and the different flavors and consistencies I can cook them to make it interesting for the whole family.

Orange Jam and Cookies

To make good deserts, it doesn't need to be loaded with sugar, fat or white flour. I instead, use; rice syrup, honey, coconut oil, nut butter, vegetable milk, nut flour and whole grain flours. They taste delicious and satisfy our sweet tooth while also nourishing us without side effects.

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